

God’s Gift of Grace

Baptism is a sacrament - one of two that Lutherans practice (the other one is Communion). In baptism, God welcomes us into the Body of Christ, and promises us eternal salvation. We are washed clean of sin, in water and the Word, and sealed by the Holy Spirit forever with a cross of oil on the forehead.

And because this is a free gift - as God’s love for us - we believe anybody can get baptized if they want to. We baptize infants, children, teens, and adults, and we only baptize once - because that’s all God needs, and there’s nothing you can do to screw it up.

If you or your child are interested in baptism, speak to the pastor or contact the church office! You’ll be invited to attend one pre-baptismal meeting with the pastor, with two sponsors (two people who promise to guide and teach you in the faith) and your parents or guardians (if children or infants). Then, we’ll set a date to welcome you in!